
Your boss wants to identify the successful projects running in your company, so he asked you to prepare a list of all the currently active projects and their average monthly income.

You have stored the information about these projects in a simple database with a single Projects table that has five columns:

  • internal_id: the company's internal identifier for the project;
  • project_name: the official name of the project;
  • team_size: the number of employees working on the project;
  • team_lead: the name of the project manager;
  • income: the average monthly income of the project.

Your boss says that internal project ids are irrelevant to him and that he isn't interested in how big the teams are. Since that's the case, he wants you to create another table by removing the internal_id and team_sizecolumns from the existing Projects table. Return it sorted by internal_id in ascending order.


For the following table Projects

internal_id project_name team_size team_lead income
1384 MapReduce 100 Jeffrey Dean 0
2855 Windows 1000 Bill Gates 100500
5961 Snapchat 3 Evan Spiegel 2000

the resulting table should be


project_name team_lead income
MapReduce Jeffrey Dean 0
Windows Bill Gates 100500
Snapchat Evan Spiegel 2000
  • [execution time limit] 10 seconds (mysql)



	/* Write your SQL here. Terminate each statement with a semicolon. */
	SELECT project_name, team_lead, income FROM Projects;

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